Places - Lugares

Saturday, November 8, 2008

To listen to the pronunciation or to look for different translations of the words listed here, please double click on the English word.

Para escuchar la pronunciacion o ver diferentes significados de las palabras que estan aquí, por favor de doble click en la palabra en inglés.


Town = Pueblo / Ciudad
City = Ciudad
Village = Pueblo
Suburbs = Urbanización
District = Distrito
Surroundings = Alrededores
Built-up area = Área urbana
Industrial Park = Zona industrial
Residential area = Barrio residencial
Downtown = Centro de la ciudad
University = Universidad
College = Universidad
Slums = Barrios pobres
Avenue = Avenida
Boulevard = Bulevar
Square = Plaza
Shopping street = Calle comercial
Pedestrian area = Área peatonal
Street = Calle
Roadwalk - Calzada
Sidewalk = Acera
Parking lot = Estacionamiento
Underground parking lot = Parqueadero subterráneo
Park = Parque
Public Gardens = Jardines
Cemetery = Cementerio
Bridge = Puente
Harbor = Puerto
Airport = Aeropuerto
Train Station = Estación del tren
Stadium = Estadio
Town hall = Ayuntamiento
Post office = Correo
Library = Biblioteca
Police station = Comisaria
School = Escuela
Barracks = Cuartel
Fire Station = Estacion de bomberos
Prison = Cárcel
Factory = Fábrica
Community center = Centro social
Arts center = Centro culural
Theater = Teatro
Movie theater = Cine
Opera = Ópera
Museum = Museo
Art Gallery = Galería de arte
Tower = Torre
Cathedral = Catedral
Church = Iglesia
Chapel = Capilla
Synagogue = Sinagoga
Mosque = Mezquita
Memorial = Monumento conmemorativo
War memorial = Monumento a los caidos
Statue = Estatua
Fountain = Fuente
Quay = Muelle

The Human Body - El cuerpo Humano

To listen to the pronunciation or to look for different translations of the words listed here, please double click on the English word.

Para escuchar la pronunciacion o ver diferentes significados de las palabras que estan aquí, por favor de doble click en la palabra en inglés.


Head = Cabeza
Neck = Cuello
Throat = Garganta
Nape of the neck = Nuca
Shoulder = Hombro
Chest = Pecho
Bust = Busto
Breasts = Pechos
Abdomen = Abdomen
Back = Espalda
Arm = Brazo
Elbow = Codo
Hand = Mano
Wrist = Muñeca
Fist = Puño
Finger = Dedo
Pinkie = Meñique
Index finger = Índice
Middle finger = Dedo del corazón
Ring finger = Anular
Thumb =Pulgar
Nail = Uña
Waist = Cintura
Hip = Cadera
Bottom = Trasero
Buttocks = Nalgas
Leg = Pierna
Thigh = Muslo
Knee = Rodilla
Calf = Pantorrilla
Ankle = Tobillo
Foot = Pie
Feet = Pies
Heel = Talon
Toe = Dedo del pie
Organ = Órgano
Limb = Extremidad
Muscle = Músculo
Bone = Hueso
Skeleton = Esqueleto
Spine = Columna Vertebral
Rib = Costilla
Flesh = Carne
Skin = Piel
Heart = Corazón
Lungs = Pulmones
Stomach = Estomago
Liver = Hígado
Kidneys = Riñones
Bladder = Vejiga
Blood = Sangre
Vein = Vena
Artery = Artería
Skull = Cráneo
Brain = Cerebro
Hair = Pelo
Face = Cara
Features = Rasgos / Facciones
Forehead = Frente
Eyebrows = Cejas
Eyelashes = Pestañas
Eye = Ojo
Eyelids = Parpados
Pupil = Pupila
Nose = Nariz
Nostril = Orificio nasal
Cheek = Mejilla
Cheekbone = Pómulo
Jaw = Mandíbula
Mouth = Boca
Lips = Labios
Tongue = Lengua
Tooth = Diente
Milk tooth = Diente de leche
Wisdom tooth = Muela cordal
Chin = Mentón
Ear = Oreja

Family - Familia

Friday, November 7, 2008

To listen to the pronunciation or to look for different translations of the words listed here, please double click on the English word.

Para escuchar la pronunciacion o ver diferentes significados de las palabras que estan aquí, por favor de doble click en la palabra en inglés.


Parents = Padres
Mother = Madre
Father = Padre
Mom = Mamá
Dad = Papá
Child = Hijo(a) / Niño(a)
Baby = Bebe
Daughter = Hija
Son = Hijo
Adopted Daughter = Hija adoptiva
Adopted Son = Hijo adoptivo
Sister = Hermana
Twin sister = Hermana gemela
Brother = Hermano
Twin Brother = Hermano gemelo
Grandmother = Abuela
Grandfather = Abuelo
Grandparents = Abuelos
Grandchildren = Nietos
Granddaughter = Nieta
Grandson = Nieto
Great-grandmother = bisabuela
Great-grandfather = bisabuelo
Wife = Esposa
Husband = Esposo
Fiancee = Novia de compromiso
Fiance = Novio de compromiso
Boyfriend = Novio
Grilfriend = Novia
Couple = Novios / Pareja
Stepmother = Madrastra
Stepfather = Padrastro
Stepdaughter = Hijastra
Stepson = Hijastro
Stepsister = Hermanastra
Stepbrother = Hermanastro
Mother-in-law = Suegra
Father-in-law = Suegro
Daughter-in-law = Nuera
Son-in-law = Yerno
Sister-in-law = Cuñada
Brother-in-law = Cuñado
Aunt = Tia
Uncle = Tio
Cousin = Primo(a)
Niece = Sobrina
Nephew = Sobrino
Godmother = Madrina
Godfather = Padrino
Goddaughter = Ahijada
Godson = Ahijado
Widow = Viuda
Widower = Viudo
Friend = Amigo
Neighbor = Vecino(a)
Colleague = Colega

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

To obtain a good amount of vocabulary is one of the most important ways of learning a new language. To listen to the appropriate pronunciation and to practice each group of new words will help the student to become a better speaker of the daily life conversations.

El obtener buena cantidad de vocabulario, es una de las más importantes maneras de aprendizaje de un nuevo idioma. Escuchar la correcta pronunciación y hacer práctica de cada grupo de nuevas palabras, ayudará al estudiante a defenderse mejor en el hablar de la vida cotidiana.

*Family - Familia

*The Human Body - Partes del cuerpo

*Places - Lugares